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MWC Node CLI Documentation

Lightweight implementation of the MimbleWimble protocol.

Global Arguments

  • --floonet: Run MWC against the Floonet (testnet).
  • --usernet: Run MWC as a local-only network. Doesn't block peer connections but will not connect to any peer or seed.



Clean MWC chain data.


Control the MWC server.


  • -c, --config_file <file>: Path to the mwc-server.toml configuration file.
  • -p, --port <port>: Port to start the P2P server on.
  • --api_port <port>: Port for the API server (e.g., transaction pool API).
  • -s, --seed <node>: Override seed node(s) to connect to.
  • -w, --wallet_url <url>: Wallet listener URL for mining rewards.
  • --allow_to_stop: Enables API to stop the node (non-TUI only).


  • config: Generate a mwc-server.toml configuration file in the current directory.
  • run: Run the MWC server in the current console.


Communicate with the MWC server.


  • status: Display the current status of the MWC chain.

  • listconnectedpeers: Print a list of currently connected peers.

  • ban: Ban a specific peer.

    • -p, --peer <address>: Peer IP and port (e.g., Required.
  • unban: Unban a specific peer.

    • -p, --peer <address>: Peer IP and port (e.g., Required.
  • resetchainhead: Reset the local chain head.

    • <hash>: Header hash to reset to. Required.
  • verify-chain: Trigger a verification of rangeproofs, kernel signatures, and excesses.

    • -f, --fast: Skip verification of rangeproofs and kernel signatures; only validate the sum of kernel excesses.
  • invalidateheader: Add a header hash to the denylist.

    • <hash>: The header hash to invalidate. Required.

This documentation outlines all available commands, arguments, and subcommands for the mwc node CLI. Customize examples or additional details as necessary.

Released under the MIT License.